Regenerative Medicine
Regenerative Medicine
"Using Your Own Tissues To Heal"
Help Healing, Pain & Tissue Repair
Regenevita: Cellular & Biocellular Care
Are you tired of pain and problems with your joints, back, muscles?? We offer the very latest options in managing you pain, in some cases, using your OWN cells and tissues may be able to help YOU! This now includes some options for pain, joint and musculoskeletal pain issues via biocellular options. This is an alternative form of managing many issues that do not respond to open surgery or drug therapies. Some example cases uses ONLY your own adult reparative cells and platelet-derived factors which may assist in repair and regeneration in an effort to help you gain relief.
Biocellular treatment refers to the very latest alternative medical advances in non-invasive Medicine by encouraging repair using your own normal healing mechanisms. Traditional medications (drugs) and standard interventional therapies are often ineffective or inadequate for improvement. Some studies show use of important biologic additives from your own platelets PRP), or in combination with your own (autologous) ADULT stem cells & stromal cells to be of value in your recuperation process. These stem/stromal supportive cells are found in essentially all tissues in your body. As they are associated with the scaffolding support and on and near our capillary vessels, many suggest either bone marrow derived or adipose microvascular tissues are ideal sources of these reparative cells and support cells. Many patients have received individualized management plans, helping to return to work and leisure activities earlier and without need for drug therapy or open invasive surgery!
Carefully and accurately placed via ultrasound guidance, these elements may provide important growth factors and signal proteins (from platelets) and a group of your own cells which appear to have reparative abilities, each critical to the natural wound healing process. By providing these in a concentrated form and accurately placed it appears that it insures the best chance for you to have pain reduction, and permit repair of damaged tissues and regenerate damaged and aging tissues of your body. Many have found success in helping arthritis, back pain, leg pain, bone and joint problems, sport injuries, shortening post-surgery and rehabilitative healing. This is accomplished without use of isolation, concentration, culture or expansion of any cells (not altered in any way) for the purposes of restoring padding, volumes, degenerative reduction of some types of cells, matrix/scaffolding to specific areas which are injured or damaged by degeneration.
Using Your OWN Cells For Healing and Repair
Alternative therapies (e.g. massage, physical therapy, heat/cold application, etc.) focusing your body's OWN healing mechanisms, changes often are able to help in anti-aging skin changes, healing, reduction of pain of arthritis, back pain, and in many sites have been reported to actually help regenerate tissues. We will be happy to address any questions you might have relative to the options for care in these types of issues.
Some of these options have yet to be completely reviewed by the FDA processing and some are in active research trials at this time for both safety and efficacy. Click on our links to access pages to get more detailed information and ability to ask questions. Join our Blog and submit your questions!