Regenerative Medicine
Regenerative Medicine
"Using Your Own Tissues To Heal"
What is Alternative Tissue Cell Therapy & How Does It Work?
As an alternative non-surgical invasive option, using a diverse group your own adult cells & stromal (supportive) cells found around and in the tiny capillaries within your body. One of the most accessible capillary beds are found in fat deposits just under the skin, particularly in abdomen or upper thighs (location of the some of the highest concentrations within our bodies) may have the ability to contribute to natural regenerative and healing efforts. On an outpatient basis, these may be gathered via a small microcannula and small syringe to remove a few teaspoons of your fat, and easily performed using a very dilute local anesthetic to help retrieve the tissue needed.
Your body is a wonderful entity. We have millions of repair and replacement cells available to us using its reparative abilities. As we age, or are injured, our body does its best to maintain and repair, but many time diseases or degeneration overtakes the ability to complete repairs before re-injury. Those aging or injured sites are believed to send "signals", asking for reparative chemicals and regionally available stem cells normally found in our own tissues and organs. Alternatives often used such as medications (drugs), physical therapies are often incompletely effective in restoring form and function. Alternative therapies are evolving which offers us the opportunity to supplement and augment the healing efforts.
Although not a promise of cure, it may prove as or more effective than drugs which often mask or cover up symptoms. So often traditional approach using medicines or surgery tries to stop pain by blocking needed healing (with steroids, for example) in order to achieve short-term reduction in pain. Actually, it is believed that use of cortisone-like injections can weaken and cause damage to supportive structures like around joints, ligaments, tendon and other important tissues to keep us intact. In some cases, medications or open surgery cannot help the disease, but only manage to mask symptoms, resulting in further damage. Over time these can be very costly and lead to more drastic interventions which may interfere with work, lifestyles or family issues.
Anti-aging effects of some forms of biocellular regenerative medicine options are becoming well established, with excellent safety and efficacy in clinical care options. Besides Plastic Surgical options, rejuvenative skin and aging capabilities may be helped by use of autologous (self) grafting for volumization, it is believed that some these same cells have been shown to help with a variety of uses in radiation (sun damage or spots), wrinkles, and thicken skin and scar areas. In either musculoskeletal, systemic (body wide) issues, or in aging, the use has provided an excellent substantial safety profile for patients, and effectiveness in outcomes. This has been in use for decades within Plastic Surgical interventions, including autologous (your own) fat grafting procedures to restore volumes and improve skin surface texture to appear more youthful.